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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Carpe Diem! (Latin for "seize the day")

For those of you out there cyberspace, I am repeating my Monday, April 26th facebook post. I just wanted to let you know about the positive news regarding my husband’s bladder cancer.

Monday, April 26, 2010. My husband received his biopsy results from his doctor today, after having exploratory surgery last Monday. The doctor told him the biopsies were all cancer free. We were thrilled beyond belief at this news, after going through fourteen long weeks of cancer treatments and four different surgeries over the past eight months. What a great blessing this is to our family. He will have to be vigilant in getting screened for cancer every three months, but now we know that his body does respond to treatment and we feel very optimistic about the future. We now feel like we can take our lives off of "hold", and now embrace it with both arms!

Regarding my husband’s work situation: another person in his group at work volunteered for the transfer to Sterling Heights, Michigan. It is a man whose parents and family live back there. So it is a good move for this co-worker and his family. Although taking the transfer to Michigan seemed like the "logical thing for us to do", it never felt right. After prayer and much thought, we felt inspired to stay and fight for the life and friends we have here. Since making the decision, we have felt happy and at peace. Life is good, very good in our home tonight!

We want to extend our sincerest gratitude to all of the wonderful friends and family that have stood by our side and held candles to light our way through the darkness of the past eight months! We could not have made it without your prayers, encouragement, and support. We invite you to do something to celebrate this happy occasion with us--hug a loved one, eat out for dinner, do the "happy dance”, and . . . believe in miracles!


  1. So happy for you guys, this is all great news. Now carpe momento! Seize the moment!

  2. Can't even begin to tell you how thrilled we are for you! Miracles do happen, just as you hoped. Here's hoping for many more throughout your life!

  3. You have an amazing family. I can't tell you, how happy I am to hear of the "Cancer free" news. It makes you appreciate life and what you have every day.

    Your chaos is yet to begin... wait until the kids hit the teens. :) My current struggle.
    But, as you noted...insanity is on a sliding scale, isn't it?

    My love to you and your family.
    Cheers to your health Burke!!

  4. Ann: thanks so much--love the "carpe momento"--it will be my new mission statement!

    Thanks for always being there for us Liz, you really have been wonderful. I look forward to seeing you this summer and celebrating life :-)

    Hey Jan, so good to hear from you! Thanks for your nice comment. And yes, wow, I have learned not to take the good things in life for granted! Burke has sure enjoyed doing work with you over the years, and hopefully there will be many more to come! Ahh, and bring on the "teenager stuff", I am wayyyy tired of the "cancer stuff"--ready to move on. Thanks for the nice note!

  5. I know I already read this a while ago, but reading it again, I feel so happy! I just feel so grateful for such a positive outcome!
